Disposable Diaper Prices
Store / Package & Size / Package Cost/ Cost Per Diaper/ Date Recorded
Walmart brand/ 82 ct size 4/ 13.97 pk/ 17c each/ 2/14/14 (regular price)
Target brand/ 156 size 4/ 24.99 pk/ 16c each/ 2/14/14 (regular price)
156 size 4/ 17.16 pk/ 11c each/ 3/14/14 (coupon/sale price)
Amazon.com Luv's brand/ 160 size 4 $26.39 (w/ subscribe & save disc.)/ 16c each/ 2/14/14 (Affiliate link: Luvs With Ultra Leakguards Size 4 Diapers 160 Count
Diapers.com brand/ 176 size 4/ 39.29 pk/ 22c each/ 2/14/14 (regular price)
Costco brand/ 180pk/ 38.99 pk/ 22c each/ 2/14/14 (regular price)
All of my examples are size 4 because that happens to be the size my kid wears. The pricing for other sizes should be similarly spread among these sources. ALWAYS check the per-diaper price- as you can see, diapers come in all sizes of packages!
Of course you probably know that cloth diapering may be cheaper (and is certainly be more environmentally friendly). Little House Living has a great guide to frugal cloth diapering. At our house we mostly cloth diaper, but occasionally use disposables for travelling.
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